Deathening - Self Impaled

"Self Impaled" is the 2.5 minutes face-melting opening track from the album "Chained In Blood", 2013, that comes with a video directed by Dennis Trulsson.

The song is a fast and aggressive comment on humanity's greedy way of letting short-term decisions destroy itself, without considering the consequences. Metaphorically described through bestial ways of torture and humiliation of the human body, leaving no other option than death.

Second album by Deathening (swe) Chained In Blood is a twelve track piece on the brutalities and atrocities caused by man as empathy is suppressed. The brutal vocal style, ranging from death growls to black metal screaming, is backed up by intense riffing and an exquisite drum work. Standing out in the steady stream of metal releases is not an easy task but this is an album so fully loaded with musicality and gut feeling that it is destined to stand the test of time.
Hinzugefügt von Brandolf in Musikvideos am 30. Mai um 09:12  ·  Öffentlich

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